Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some artists do not buy into the iTunes store

Wall Street journal has an interesting article about some artists do not sell on the iTunes store as they do not like the policy of selling along hits from albums. Apple keeps 30% of the sales (I thought it was more) whether it is one song or an album. Some like the Eagles are placing their current album through Walmart. This musically chess came goes on

more here

Monday, August 25, 2008

Mac on 60 Minutes Dennis Quaid

I had heard that the movie star Dennis Quaid remarried and they had twins but something happened to them. On 8/24/2008, the movie star with his wife at his side, told the agony that there twin boys were given a 1000 times dose of blood thinner which put them in extreme peril. In this piece on 60 minutes, they went on to find that overdosing has occurred in similar cases in other hospitals but little was done. Two similar bottles of the blood thinner were similar in size. Each also had blue titling strips around them one darker blue then the other but still easy to mistake.
Quaid and his wife were trying to lead a campaign to have better labeling on bottles so more careless mistakes would not kill, injure or cause harm to patients. While they were showing what they were doing to help promote this campaign, the TV showed Quaid looking at his Mac laptop (not sure what kind ?).
The drug industry did not seem to think much of it and while the hospitals were listening to concerns it does not seem that they will be doing much either.
Be careful out there

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Apple (& the Google) of most people eyes

Kansas City Star has a interesting article ( D1) about Google and Apple all in one. Its about customer satisfaction polling and rating from the University of Michigan Customer Quality Relations Center. On a 100 point scale Apple is 85/100 (next is Dell with 75). Other computer makers dropper satisfaction while Apple was up from 79.
The rise is do to carry over from people buying ipods and the new iPhones and people being driven off my Vista. Computers are the new "Swiss Army Knife" while the laptops are becoming more prized.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Seinfeld ads to target Apple

Microsoft is feeling a little slighted because their products aren't as "cool" as Apple's products and ads on TV and that show it up. So starting in September, Jerry Seinfeld will show up on TV ads promoting Vista. The new Microsoft campaign ($300 million worth) will focus upon " Windows, not walls" (stressing breaking down barriers that prevent people and ideas from connecting). Will this make a dent against Apple's coolness and rising sales (second quarter sales up 41% since the same time last year 15.3%) ?

The article in Wall Street Journal (8/22) stressed " can you ever remember a cool Microsoft ad?" For this makeover Seinfeld is getting $10 Million and possibly helps to keep in the spotlight his Seinfeld series (which left in 1998) which most college kids don't remember at all.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Michael Phelps ipods: Beijing what's on your iPod?

On NBC during 8/18/2008 Olympics there was a spot about all the athletes and everyone listening to their iPod. Notice they said iPods not mp3 players. Michael Phelps was always seen with the ipod bugs in his ears listening to music etc. The athletes use it to pump themselves up, wind down after competition, relax and much more.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008