Friday, November 21, 2008

Why is Apple doing this? Wallmart will sell iPhone

I am not really sure why Apple doing this. Apple still can sell the iPhone in the Apple stores and is doing well with it so far. Maybe its a "saturate the market thing" so more iPhones will sold now and go up against in more places against the Blackberry, Sprint phone and the new Google phone.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Remembering Michael Crighton a Mac enthusiast

Editors' Notes: Remembering Michael Crichton 

Michael Crichton passed away last week. He'll be remembered for his
many books and screenplays, but Rob Griffiths will remember him as a
passionate -- and generous -- Mac enthusiast.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Raiders of the Lost Macintosh 12/2008

Raiders of the Lost Macintosh 12/2008
Dr. Eric Flescher, Olathe, KS(

Xmenu (
Customizable menu bar
Can add 5 menus which show contents of the folders
Unlimited hierarchical menus that are updates automatically
Can display small icons

Exif Untrasher
recover images from memory cards accidental deletion

recover images from memory cards accidental deletion
also offers iPhoto integration to restore photos directly into iPhoto

Highlights a cursor position on the screen (Powerpoint, Keynote etc) and displays a colored circle where you click your mouse button and shows the keystrokes onscreen

Integrated Leopard only internet needed connection for ebay sellers. Easy to understand interface with excellent auction tracking tools.

Screen capture capabilities which can also use iSight and video capture. Also has zoom, highlighting and key commands. Universal binary

Spanish vocabulary (
Custom Solutions of Maryland)
Practice your Spanish with this quiz like game/application. Vocabulary (1840 words) pop up and you type it in. Drop down menu offers hints if you can't get it.

Lego Digital Designer
Build lego models by using your Mac. Then upload the it to Lego's website and then actually buy what you build. You can even design the box it is shipped in.

Using your longitude and latitude coordinates. this program shows you the stars, planets and much more. Also offers motor driven telescopic control and has a brightness reduction night mode for advanced telescope users.

It is already on your OSX
Enlarge your Mouse Control Cursor
Way to customize enlarge the size of the cursor for presentations, on screen visualization and location/ finding
It is already on your OSX
Directions: Screen preferences > Universal Access> click the Mouse tab / Mouse Trackpad (laptop) > adjust the slider bar near the bottom of the window (your pointer will grow or shrink so just adjust to your liking)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Onion pits OS X Snow Leopard against Windows 7

The Onion pits OS X Snow Leopard against Windows 7
Posted: 08 Nov 2008 05:14 PM PST
The satirical website The Onion often has hilarious takes on current events. This week, it turned its sights on what will undoubtedly be a big debate next year: OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) versus Windows 7. The new operating systems from both Apple and Microsoft are expected to come out next year; The Onion mocks their “differences” in the image below.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

starter wife mac

On the show the Starter Wife, the ex husband is with the daughter in the park. They are looking at their Mac laptop talking about things.